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May 08, 2023

What are the causes of white rust and black spots?

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Dark spots are formed by further oxidation of white rust. The main causes of white rust are:Poor passivation, passivation film thickness is not enough or uneven; No oil on the surface or residual water on the strip surface; The surface of the strip contains water when it is rolled up. Passivation no

Dark spots are formed by further oxidation of white rust. The main causes of white rust are:

Poor passivation, passivation film thickness is not enough or uneven; No oil on the surface or residual water on the strip surface; The surface of the strip contains water when it is rolled up. Passivation not completely dried; Getting wet or rain-soaked during transportation or storage; The storage time of finished products is too long; Galvanized sheet and other acid and alkali and other corrosive media contact or stored together.

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