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Aug 15, 2023

Stainless steel plate is corrosion resistant

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304 series stainless steel after oil grinding reflects the best decorative effect, widely used in elevators, home appliances and other decorative panels.

The corrosion resistance of stainless steel plate mainly depends on its alloy composition (chromium, nickel, titanium, silicon, aluminum, manganese, etc.) and the internal organizational structure, which plays the main role of chromium.

Chromium has high chemical stability, can form a passivation film on the surface of the steel, isolate the metal from the outside world, protect the steel plate from oxidation, and increase the corrosion resistance of the steel plate. After the passivation film is destroyed, the corrosion resistance decreases.

Requirements can withstand the corrosion of various acids, such as: oxalic acid, sulfuric acid-ferric sulfate, nitric acid, nitric acid-hydrofluoric acid, sulfuric acid-copper sulfate, phosphoric acid, formic acid, acetic acid, etc.

Widely used in: chemical, food, medicine, papermaking, petroleum, atomic energy, construction, kitchenware, tableware, vehicles, household appliances and so on.

Drawing property

One. Dry grinding and drawing

The most common filament and short wire on the market, 304 stainless steel plate after processing such a surface, shows a good decorative effect, can meet the requirements of general decorative materials. In general, 304 series stainless steel can form a good effect after a scrub. Because this kind of processing equipment has low cost, simple operation, high processing speed and wide application range, it has become a necessary equipment for processing centers. Therefore, most machining centers can provide long and short wire frosted boards, of which 304 steel accounts for more than 80%.

Two. oil grinding wire drawing

304 series stainless steel after oil grinding reflects the best decorative effect, widely used in elevators, home appliances and other decorative panels. Cold-rolled 304 series stainless steel can generally achieve good results after a scrub pass, and there are some processing centers on the market that can provide oil-based scrub processing of hot-rolled stainless steel, and its effect is comparable to that of cold-rolled oil grinding. Oil-based drawing is also divided into filament and short filament. Elevator decoration generally uses filament, and all kinds of small household appliances, kitchenware and other two kinds of patterns have a choice.

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