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Sep 11, 2024

What does cnc hand machining mean?

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CNC machining workpiece is a product prototype or model manufactured by computer numerical control technology, which is mainly used to verify the feasibility and function of product design.

CNC machining workpiece is a product prototype or model manufactured by computer numerical control technology, which is mainly used to verify the feasibility and function of product design.

In modern manufacturing, CNC technology plays a key role, especially in the field of hand-making and prototyping. This technology enables the automatic control of the machine tool to accurately process the material according to the preset program, thus producing a hand-plate model that meets the design requirements. These models can be used to verify the appearance, structure and function of the product, optimize the design, and reduce the risk of direct mold production. The following is a detailed analysis of the CNC hand machining workpiece:

The definition and purpose of CNC hand plate machining

Definition: CNC hand machining workpiece is a product sample or model processed by CNC machine in accordance with a preset program.

Purpose: The main purpose is to verify the feasibility of the product design, including appearance, structure and function, in order to make improvements and ultimately be ready for mass production.

CNC hand machining advantages and disadvantages

Advantages: Ensure stable processing quality and high precision; Simplified processing procedures; Suitable for complex parts and small batch production; Shorten product development cycle.

Disadvantages: high equipment cost; Maintenance and operation require specialized skills; In terms of sample data parameters may be slightly inferior to mold products.

CNC hand plate processing material selection

Commonly used materials: including but not limited to ABS, POM (Sai Steel), PMMA (acrylic), PC, PP, PA, BT, PVC and other plastic materials, as well as aluminum alloy, copper and other metal materials.

CNC hand plate processing process

Design planning: According to the product design requirements for hand design and planning.

CAD modeling: Using computer aided design software for 3D modeling.

CAM programming: Computer aided manufacturing programming based on CAD model to determine machining path and parameters.

Material selection: Select the appropriate processing materials according to the design requirements.

CNC machining: Using programming instructions to drive CNC machine tools for precision machining.

Manual adjustment: Some details are manually trimmed and optimized.

Surface treatment: such as spraying, polishing, etc., to improve the appearance quality and ornamental.

CNC hand plate processing application case

Automotive industry: Used for making and verifying vehicle models, optimizing design and construction.

Electronic products: production of enclosures and accessories, design and functional testing.

Industrial Design: Make industrial product prototypes and models, verify feasibility and optimize design.

CNC machining workpiece provides strong support for product design and development through high-precision machining technology. It not only reduces the risk of direct mold production, but also saves time and costs for enterprises and accelerates the process of products from design to market. Qile Handboard focuses on manufacturing 3D printing, CNC processing and silicone replica handboard and other fields, to provide industrial manufacturing customers with new product design and development of accurate verification display handboard model.

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