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May 25, 2023

Chinese grade of structural steel plate

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DW470-50 represents the cold-rolled non-oriented silicon steel with iron loss of 4.7w/kg and thickness of 0.5mm. The new type is 50W470.

1) Cold-rolled unoriented silicon steel strip (sheet) : Expression method: DW+ iron loss value (iron loss value per unit weight at a frequency of 50HZ and a sinusoidal magnetic sensation peak value of 1.5T). 100 times the thickness plus 100 times the thickness.

For example, DW470-50 represents the cold-rolled non-oriented silicon steel with iron loss of 4.7w/kg and thickness of 0.5mm. The new type is 50W470.

5structural steel

2) Cold-rolled oriented silicon steel strip (sheet) : expression method: DQ+ iron loss value (iron loss value per unit weight of 1.7T when the frequency is 50HZ and the magnetic sensation peak value is sinusoidal). 100 times the thickness plus 100 times the thickness. Sometimes G is added after the iron loss value to indicate high magnetic sensation.

For example, DQ133-30 represents the cold-rolled oriented silicon steel strip (sheet) with iron loss of 1.33 and thickness of 0.3mm. The new model is 30Q133.

3) Hot rolled silicon steel plate: hot rolled silicon steel plate is represented by DR, according to the silicon content is divided into low silicon steel (silicon content ≤2.8%), high silicon steel (silicon content > 2.8%).

Expression method: 100 times of DR+ iron loss value (iron loss value per unit weight when 50HZ repeated magnetization and sinusoidal magnetic induction intensity is the maximum value of 1.5T) + 100 times of thickness value. For example, DR510-50 indicates a hot-rolled silicon steel plate with an iron loss of 5.1 and a thickness of 0.5mm.

The brand of hot rolled silicon steel sheet for household appliances is expressed by JDR+ iron loss + thickness value, such as JDR540-50.

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