What are the causes of white rust and black spots?
Dark spots are formed by further oxidation of white rust. The main causes of white rust are:Poor passivation, passivation film thickness is not enough or uneven···
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Dark spots are formed by further oxidation of white rust. The main causes of white rust are:Poor passivation, passivation film thickness is not enough or uneven···
Вопросы и ответыThe main reasons for zinc layer shedding are: Surface oxidation, silicon compounds, cold bound emulsion is too dirty, NOF section oxidation atmosphere and prote···
Вопросы и ответыWhat is the length of the coil?
Вопросы и ответыMainly: peeling, scratches, passivation spots, zinc particles, thick edge, air knife stripes, air knife scratches, exposed steel, inclusion, mechanical damage, ···
Вопросы и ответыThere are two kinds: air-cooled and water-cooled.
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