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Processing Cova alloy needs attention processing matters

Covar alloy, usually refers to nickel-based superalloy and corrosion resistant alloy, is an iron-nickel-cobalt based hard glass joint alloy widely used in the w···

Industry News

Alloy steel knowledge: Let you say goodbye to the little white from now on, become the industry leader!

Alloy steel, as the name suggests, is the addition of some specific alloying elements on the basis of carbon steel, such as silicon (Si), manganese (Mn), tungst···

Industry News

What is alloy steel made of?

Alloy steel mainly includes copper, manganese, aluminum, titanium, rare earth and other materials, but does not include carbon and iron.

Industry News

600 alloy material: Excellent performance, wide range of applications

600 alloy material: Excellent performance, wide range of applications!

Industry News